Saturday, October 10, 2015

Sunday, January 11, 2009

social network interfaces

I've recently caved in and joined Facebook and Linkedin. They both seem pretty intuitive and I am returning to them fairly regularly. But I still cannot seem to get the hang of MySpace. I cannot even figure out how to add a friend. Is it age? Is it brains? I'm thinking that what is intuitive may vary with generation or maybe learning style. Whatever it is, MySpace is still a foreign country.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

civic engagement deliberation guides

Everyday-Democracy has an Issue Guide Exchange for folks who write deliberation guides. There is also a forum for discussion. And there is an online tool to walk you through creating a guide.

And while I'm on the topic, ALA has a blog on Civic Engagement and a listserv called Deliberate and a Member Interest Group.

I highly recommend this community engagement role for libraries. I think I can guarantee no Google will come along to bump us out of it. Moreover, by nurturing the civic capacity of our communities, we create a better climate for support of libraries and understanding or their value.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Testing a new gadget

Nicole alerted me that Blogger offers a voting gadget so I've added it. Please vote so I can see how this works! Also, Google Gadgets offers a polling gadget, but it is many screens in so use search to find it.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

still here, with new goodies

I have found some fine new toys: Many Eyes and Wordle. Many Eyes offers ways to visualize data sets. Some of the graphs would probably strike Edward Tufte as having too much ink, but they are a definite step above the hideous 3-D bar graphs that come out of Microsoft products. Wordle is a word or tag cloud maker and it can be used on Many Eyes. And Many Eyes is definitely a social network for people who like to look for patterns in numbers.

Friday, March 21, 2008

thanks, David!

For sharing this YouTube video. Just the thing for planning library services to senior citizens.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Flickr refinished

I had to get a Yahoo account for something else entirely, so it seemed foolish not to set up a Flickr account too. Have a look at my photos. Here's a place I'd like to be right now: